Monday, May 30, 2016

Back to blogging

Hello long lost blog. Glad I found you again. Nutrition and unhealthy weight are still problems in the real world. Despite the shrinking state and county financial input or staff support, the work to reduce obesity ( from now on referred to as Uw, unhealthy weight, must continue. With this blog I will explore the ways to manage this crazy problem. Sound good? Yay!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Combat Obesity-Mrs Obama is listening

To combat obesity we should try many things beginning with this list:
*Tax soda (see Kelley Brownell's work),
*Revamp the farm bill so we don't subsidize corn (Read Michael Pollen),
*Change nutrition regulations for school breakfast and lunch (See 2009 Institute for Medicine report),
*Start a public health campaign encouraging children to walk to school (See iwalk international)
*Promote "victory" gardens on front lawns (Glad to see Mrs Obama planted her own)
*Have more health insurance polices pay for expert run weight control programs (Currently Medicare and private insurance pay for diabetes care but not preventative weight control programs)
*Fund Physical education programs in public schools.
*Promote a public health campaign -anti junk food like anti smoking (Read David Kessler- he has the experience to do this)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

January is a great time to lose weight.

I started my interval training and I found my food journal(of course now I have to write in it.) I am going to lose those pesky extra pounds I gained over the holidays. Time is everything and now is the time. Monday morning and I begin.

Most Americans gain four to five pounds over the holidays. Some of my clients have reported gaining as much as ten pounds. The time has come to drop them. If there is a collective unconscious January energy encourages weight loss. We are not alone. We can lose what we have gained using the tools that are available. Take it one step at a time but take the steps and by March maybe it will be ten pounds.

The Step by Step Weight Control Plan

Take weight control one step at a time

Eat 3 meals and a snack daily. Or eat 6 small meals daily.

Eat breakfast every morning.

Eat lean protein at every meal. Protein metabolizes slowly so you won’t get as hungry.

Eat vegetables or fruit at every meal. Fill ½ your dinner plate with vegetables.

Drink enough fluid. Choose water, sparkling water, and unsweetened iced green, black or herb teas. Add lemon, lime or a bit of berry juice for flavor. Enjoy a cup or two of coffee or tea with low-fat milk. Avoid sweet drinks of all kinds, including juice and sports drinks.

Avoid processed foods made with white grains and white sugar. For a sweet tooth have a piece of dark chocolate and a few nuts. Choose chocolate with 70% or more cocoa butter.

Benefit from red wine or other alcohol by drinking it with meals. Daily recommendation: One 5 oz glass for women and two 5 oz glasses for men.

Take your supplements everyday.

Journal. Keep food records and lose weight.

Exercise 5-6 days a week. Start slow…

Join a weight loss group or start one with friends.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Two important nutrition discoveries of the last decade.

Fish Oil Proven Protective-There is not doubt.

Fish or fish oils is now considered one of the most healthful foods you can eat or supplements you can take. Fish oil benefits organs and tissues in the whole body. It encourages brain health, cardiovascular health, breast and ocular health, and boosts immunity. It even helps the skin. Research continues to highlight the benefits of fish oil. So far this is what we know. Fish oil improves:
• Joint pain. Fish oil is a known anti-inflammatory, which is why studies have shown that it helps alleviate symptoms associated with arthritis.
• The heart. Fish oil confers both protective and healing benefits for people with heart disease. Because research undeniably confirms that fish oil helps decrease the inflammation associated with cardiovascular disease, the American Heart Association began recommending it as a treatment option in 2003.
• The arteries. Fish oil protects the arteries by lowering blood triglycerides (cholesterol and fat content). Researchers have validated earlier findings that fish oil supplements, in as little as 2 gm per day, can be effective--and without any side effects.
• Menstrual cramps. Fish oil, which contains DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), has been shown to work well for menstrual cramps even in those who didn't change their diets.
• Health of young children. Studies show that fish oil helps the development of a baby's immune system, nervous system, muscle tone, and brain.
• Reducing hot flashes. A study done in Italy indicates that taking fish oil may lessen the frequency and severity of hot flashes by 25 percent over 24 weeks.
• Lowering the affect of stress. Research suggests that fish oil's anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce the body's response to psychological stress. Researchers believe fish oil helps modulate neurotransmitters in the brain, regulating its activity and increasing serotonin.

Vitamin D Critical for Robust Health.
After decades of advising people to stay out of the sun as a protection from skin cancer we now know that a little sunlight may instead protect us from cancer. We make Vitamin D when sunlight hits our skin--unless the skin is covered with sunscreen. Now irrefutable evidence shows that vitamin D protects virtually every cell in our bodies and may promote excellent health. Those with optimal levels of the vitamin (52ng/ml or more) enjoy a 50 percent reduced risk of breast cancer, as well as a substantially reduced risk of colon cancer, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, heart disease, and even risk of C-section. But supplements are easy to take. Take between 1000-2000 IU’s a day. So if you stay out of the sun or live north of San Francisco, consider a supplement. You may need a D boost to protect your health.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

A few thought about eating

Eating behaviors are never perfect and there seems to be no physiological value to being a purist. It is sometimes hard to enjoy life and food when we expect so much from ourselves. I encourage you to let go of that concept and relax a bit. Food can be complicated, but it is also a very basic need for survival. We really don’t even need that much to carry on. Did you know that it only takes 10 calories to raise the blood sugar in the brain? That fuzzy, crabby feeling we get when we are hungry requires so little to extinguish. Of course, eating healthy foods, fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes, nuts and such keep us well while sugary, fatty foods cause inflammation and make us ill. Food serves a basic but generous role in our lives.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Changing school lunch

Our National School Lunch Program is in trouble. Tight budgets and little oversight result in schools serving low-cost, often unhealthy foods to students. Historically school nutrition rules enforced by the United States Department of Agriculture requires schools to provide a certain number of foods from particular food groups but guidelines beyond these do not exist. The rules require schools serve at least two servings of fruits and vegetables at every meal, but catsup and high fructose corn syrup laden apple juice satisfy these requirements despite their lack of overall nutrients. Costs often dictate schools meet this requirement by using cheap, canned or processed foods. Some schools participating in the federal food program tailor their menus using commodity foods which are free or very low cost. Beef and bulk processed cheese are added to menus to keep costs under $1.00 a student. Since schools are place where children learn to eat, we can change what we serve to model good eating habits.

With the increased incidence of overweight and obese children and adults in America it is time we make these changes. Offering healthier foods, growing and eating foods from school gardens and experimenting with more health-conscious preparation methods requires effort and support from parents, school administrators and state and federal governments. Districts can participate in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, which helps schools buy fresh produce and take advantage of the healthier commodities while purchasing more fresh fruit and vegetables. This may require a financial investment but it absolutely requires district commitment to children, health outcomes and the development of long term healthy habits.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

School lunch offers opportunity to learn

Eating habits are a learned behavior and we can learn to eat well or eat poorly. Our schools have the unique ability to model wellness and good eating habits while teaching science and enhancing the standard curriculum. Schools also have the opportunity to teach students to eat fast food, drink soda, and sports drink, eat cake like muffins and sugar cereal for breakfast and they do. Except for the current ban on sodas in schools; school breakfast and lunch expose children to high fat, high sugar foods teaching them to eat poorly, in a hurry and without alternatives. Change school lunch; change the American waist line measurement.